Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Well, my name is Moira, and I am 26 years old. I am an art curator, make up artist, dungeon master, sushi master, baker... Ok, I really like learning things.
I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and... I'm a twin mom! Just got engaged, and I'm very happy with my life.
When did you start your account?
I've joined the already started account @catcallsofbsas during the covid-19 lockdown, so that was challenging...
Why were you inspired to join?
I've always fought for feminism and visibility of minorities, but I personally feel very lucky and privileged, so I wanted to do something for people that don't feel this way.
Why do you think “chalking back” is a good method to raise awareness?
I think it's very touching movement. Historically, people from all around the world have found their voice through art, so, why not us?
Why do you think ending street harassment is important?
Because street harassment is one of the biggest bases of the gender based violence, and I think problematics like this one should be addressed from their roots.
What’s your favorite thing about your city?
There's a lot of diversity here in Buenos Aires, and some really good food.
How can your city better address street harassment?
I think the best way of doing it, is by educating young kids. Schools should have workshops, and we should be able to talk about this issues as parents or family members with the ones that we raise.
What do you hope is the outcome of your account?
I would love to be able to work with kids, take the chalk back movement to schools, and to do so, we have to reach more people and collaborate with the education department of our government.
What’s the most difficult street harassment situation you’ve experienced?
I don't think there's a "more difficult" one, cause all gender or race based violence is scary, or even if sometimes I didn't feel scared... It gets to you.
What does being a part of this campaign mean to you?
Being a part of something like this, makes me regain all the power that I felt like we lost. The power of changing something that feels rooted to our lives, and most importantly, the power to help others to stop feeling powerless.