Schools against harassment
We believe that instigating change starts with our youth.
It is imperative that conversations about what is and what is not
acceptable behaviour take place in classrooms around the world.
Keep an eye on this page for downloadable resources.
Our #stopharassmentinschools series was inspired by the numerous messages from middle and high school students who were facing gender-based harassment in schools. We were struck by the similarities between catcalling, which happens on the streets, and the harassing comments faced by teenagers at school.
Many of the young girls that messaged us had a similar story that after they were harassed and reported it to an authority figure they were dismissed, often told it wasn’t a big deal, or simply that “boys will be boys”.
We wanted to give these students a place to share their stories and ultimately, realize they were not alone in their experience. Moreover, we wanted to show people from just how young this behaviour— gender-based harassment— is learned and normalized.